Friday, August 19, 2016

The question: "I love this house, do you know what the tax rate is?" by Ryan J Orr

PROPERTY TAX: Its not THAT big of a deal, RIGHT? 

$600,000 x 1% = $6,000 = $500/month
$600,000 x 2% = $12,000= $1,000/month
(Might this impact buying decisions?)

So here it comes the question, a common question. Sounds like it should be so simple, but, is it? So many times I here the answer oh, I just tell them its about 1.5%. That does not seem like a great answer, but I guess its all you got if you don't know the answer and you have not done the research.

My team and I have a simple solution. Its quick and painless.

If you would like simple access to get this information, reach out to us today. We will set you up, and walk you through it. We can role play with you and show you in role play as to how you can use this information DAILY! 

When YOU win, WE win! 

Sell, Buy, Refi, Specify Team Title Guy! 

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